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Sorcery and the Enchanted Blade Arc

Sorcery and the Enchanted Blade Arc
Three years ago, famous master swordsmith Kunishige Rokuhira was murdered in his workshop, and his greatest works, six Enchanted Blades crafted during the Seitei War, were stolen; all due to three sorcerers. Upon hurrying there, Kunishige’s old friend Shiba found only Kunishige’s son Chihiro sitting amidst the wreckage of the burned home, holding his lifeless father. This incident led Chihiro, accompanied by Shiba, to embark on a relentless quest to recover the stolen blades, armed with Kunishige’s seventh enchanted blade, Enten.
Manga ChaptersAnime Episodes
Number of Chapters:7Number of Episodes:TBA
Chapter 1: MissionChapter 2: HeapsChapter 3: WitnessChapter 4: Sorcery and the Enchanted BladeChapter 5: A Good MealChapter 6: PeaceChapter 7: Smoke SignalTo be added…

Vs. Sojo Arc

Vs. Sojo Arc
After discovering Char, who claims to have seen an Enchanted Blade, Chihiro comes into conflict with major underworld name Genichi Sojo, wielder of the Enchanted Blade Cloud Gouger, who is chasing after Char. In order to surpass the craftsmanship of Kunishige Rokuhira, Sojo intends to harness the curative power of the Kyonagi clan, to which Char belongs. Chihiro, responsible for safeguarding Char, is striving to shield her and simultaneously oppose Sojo as a fitting wielder of his late father’s sword.
Manga ChaptersAnime Episodes
Number of Chapters:11Number of Episodes:TBA
Chapter 8: Norisaku Madoka: I Will ChangeChapter 9: Enten vs. Cloud GougerChapter 10: SwiftChapter 11: AwakenChapter 12: PreparationsChapter 13: EliteChapter 14: Untitled ChapterChapter 15: FoodChapter 16: SilenceChapter 17: TeaChapter 18: RoarTo be added